Significance of Issues
The speed at which new technologies for 3D imaging are developing pose a challenge for those in the design field. Being competent with a particular set of tools will only allow a designer to be productive and marketable for a limited amount of time. In order for designers to be up to date with their skills, it is necessary for them to know the best way to become literate in the latest tools of their trade. After graduation, the luxury of classes with knowledgeable professors guiding the learning process will no longer be available. Being informed of the most efficient learning processes will be invaluable.
Scope of Limitations/ Research Methodology
The scope of this research will focus on my attempt to master Revit. As a design professional I used pencils and paper to design and produce construction drawings for ten years. As an employee of Bernhardt, a furniture manufacturer with a staff of six designers who created galleries for furniture display, I was taught Versacad by a drafter who was a recent college graduate. Two years later I left the company and was employed as the only designer for a smaller manufacturer who used Autocad. The education received for Autocad was three hours of instruction and occasional phone calls to the company engineer. This was sufficient for the limited drafting done there for the next 17 years. As a student in UNCG's interior architecture program, I took an Autocad class last summer and was surprised by the gaps in my knowledge. Knowing that many architectural firms no longer use Autocad and being informed of the many advantages of Revit, learning it seems prudent. As I am close to graduation, there is no time to schedule a class to learn it. This awareness of how I am behind on the latest technology is what inspired the idea for this project.
In the article "Once and Future Graphics Pioneer Part II" by B.J. Novitski, he discussed how architecture students at Cornell seemed to master software programs more efficiently if they were learning them in conjunction with a studio class which required the software for the design process and for presentation. My plan will be to learn Revit while designing the project for the IAR-412 class. I will research tutorials, publications and any other resources which are available and evaluate various aspects of each. A log of time spent with learning tools, practice and actual work on the studio project will be kept. An attempt will be made to avoid making use of the instructors in the department, but if their assistance is required, that also will be documented.
The results of this project should be a through analysis of the tools available to assist while learning Revit. The evaluation should include specifics on what tools worked well for particular aspects of the program, what the limitations were and what suggestions might be made for improvements. Becoming competent with the basic functions of Revit will be a delightful bonus.